Just an FYI
For the safety of unwanted animals. Please read this. We cannot stress it enough, All of us here at Whiskers and Tails LOVE animals. it is why we do what we do but, we have to make it very clear that we ARE NOT an animal shelter, animal housing facility for animals or animal control. We absolutely cannot and do not take in unwanted or stray animals no matter what the circumstances are. We are not licensed to house animals. Take your time and do your research. Go online and find a legitimate, licensed, reputable caring animal rescue or shelter or local authority like the police or animal control to help you and the animal. We do not have or keep updated information on those agencies in and around Missouri. We do not provide assistance in the rehoming or placement or shelter of unwanted dogs, cats, puppies or kittens.
There are pet friendly rentals out there. Go online and do your research before you give up your animals. There are resources out there for help with vetting, food and other animal care supplies and items. We have a very long waiting list, if you or your animal need help right away - do not wait on us. Get help somewhere. If you do not have access to the internet, most libraries have free computer time. You just need to have a library card. You can go online and find help. Just put what you are looking for in the search bar with your area and then look through the search results.
Our Board of Directors goes through all of the applications for assistance the second week of January. The decision of who we will be working with throughout the year is made at that time. The humans and animals are selected according to our budget, the level of need and the type of needs they have. There have been a few urgent situations where we have helped humans and animals that were in extreme need beyond our waiting list. But, because of financial limitations, we have to make the families who have been preapproved a top priority for us
because they have been waiting the longest.
We wish that we could offer more services and forms of assistance but, we are a small grass roots organization, and our resources are limited.

I got out of a really abusive relationship. I had four kids and five cats. The place we thought was going to help us, pushed us off onto Whiskers and Tails. The woman who runs the group found us a place to live, got us all clothes, got me a job, her son provided the parts and labor and fixed my car, and we had enough food to last for two weeks for all of us. They even found us beds, a table and chairs and a couch. They gave me a list of free schooling and she even helped me to get my high school diploma. This group made such a difference in my life and the life of my kids, I could never thank them enough. They changed everything for us.
Summer P.
They changed my life and the life of my kids by helping me to get my GED and find free college courses. I can never thank them enough for what they have done for me. Now, I have a better paying job and I can afford a lot more than the basic needs of life. Before meeting them, we didn't even have enough food to make an entire meal for my kids and my animals went without more than I care to say. All that is changed now. None of us go to bed hungry anymore. None of us do without anymore. and I owe all of my gratitude to Whiskers and Tails.
Tina A.

My mother passed away and not long after that my husband and I lost our jobs. We had both missed a lot of work helping to care for her and her animals. We had put in an application for assistance with Whiskers and Tails but was way down on the waiting list. Our turn came up about six months before Christmas. They started coming to our house delivering food and cleaning supplies and personal hygiene items. When they asked us to fill out an application for the Hope for the Holidays program, I didn't hesitate. We were virtually adopted for the holidays and when they came to deliver our packages, I didn't even know what to say. The lady who runs it sent a Christmas card to us. It had gift cards and a letter inside. There were resources for other kinds of assistance we didn't even know was out there. It gave a list of free school, free tools to help us even further and the letter told us that they would be helping us for six more months. At the end of the twelve months of working with them I had my high school diploma, my husband had three months of college in and our animals were all spayed and neutered and vetted and we had food for all of us. You can tell that this group really cares about the people and the animals that they help. The difference they made in our lives will last forever. I also found out they are all volunteer. They don't get paid a penny and they still work their butts off to help. They really do care about us. I love that.
Danni L.
My cat was thirteen years old and really sick. She wouldn't eat or drink and I didn't have the money to take her to the vet. I thought that I would have to sit there and watch her die because there was nothing I could do. Whiskers and Tails approved my application, and they even came and picked her up and took her to the vet for me. They saved her life. She lived for five more years before I lost her. They have my eternal gratitude for everything they did for me and for her.
Dorothy S.
You can look high and low and you won't see a small group like this that does as much as they do with so little help. They are one unique group. They worked with me for almost a year before I was on my feet and doing better. They made a difference I didn't think could ever happen. I donate every month because I know they do what they say do with my donations. I am living proof of that and so is my animals.
Warren E.
Just a few of the foundations that supported our efforts
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Did you Know?

Our Founder/Director, ReGina Edmondson is also a writer. She has written articles for local and not so local newspapers, web stories and a lot more. Now a days, she writes her books and publishes them on Amazon as an ongoing fundraiser for Whiskers and Tails.
Click on this link to find them Amazon.com: ReGina Edmondson: books, biography, latest update